

An innovative tool to handle somatic and germline TP53 variants.

Users can test a single variant on this page or perform a batch analysis using txt file as well as VCF or MAF file generated by NGS.

Seshat performs the following tasks:
  • Quality checks mutation nomenclature.
  • Generates a full description of each variant formatted according to HGVS.
  • Generates publication-ready tables.
  • Assesses the pathogenicity of each variant according to the ACMG technical standards and guidelines including general prediction algorithms (Provean, Sift, Polyphen2, FATHMM, MutationAssessor and 7 other algorithms) or algorithms developed exclusively for TP53.
  • Displays functional and structural data for each TP53 variant.

Reference sequence

Variant type

Start position (larger than end position)

End position

Wild type allele (coding strand)

Mutant allele (coding strand)

Strand polarity (leave positive if you have no information)

Sample ID (optional)


Amino acid abbreviation format

Wild type amino acid

Mutant amino acid (use = for synonymous variants, ex T125=)

Sample ID (optional)